Canadian Bakery Named One Of The Best In The World

rrrrThe Duchess Bake Shop in Edmonton, Alberta was just listed by BuzzFeed as one of the best bakeries in the world. The only Canadian bakery recognized, the Duchess Bake Shop was chosen as one of the “23 bakeries around the world you need to eat at before you die”. Talk about a great list to be on!

Long considered one of Canada’s best bakeries, the five-year-old Duchess Bake Shop promises only high-quality creations. All goods are made daily in-house with no mixes, preservatives or shortcuts.

Speaking with the Edmonton Journal, Duchess Bake Shop co-owner Garner Beggs said it’s “incredibly flattering” to be named to the list. “We’re pretty proud of what we are doing here and it’s amazing to see our name on a list with luminaries like Pierre Herme and Laduree, which are the best in the world. La Duree codified the macaron,” says Beggs.

If you’re in the Edmonton area (and crave a truly delicious treat), we highly recommend checking out this special Canadian company.