Monstera has been a favorite house plant for many years. With proper care young specimens (sometimes mistakenly sold as Philodendron pertusum) soon develop large adult leaves which are perforated and deeply cut. Sturdy support is essential, and stems can reach a heigh of 20 ft or more. If your aim is to grow a tall Monstera plant with giant leaves you must care for the aerial roots – push them into the compost or use a moss stick.Monstera is an evergreen tropical plant, family of lianas. Monstera produces small leaves and spindly leaf-stalks when there is not enough light, so brightness is essential. The Monstera stops growing altogether in deep shade.
Monstera deliciosa
Monstera leaves are shaped like a heart; they are quite large and beautiful, rich green color. Around the perimeter of the leaves are arranged symmetrical cuts. The leaves are smooth and shiny. There the length up to one meter.
Monstera plant prefers a shady, draught free position, with good natural light. Feed once every two weeks during summer. Give it a good watering, but allow the pot to dry out a little between waterings. Less water is required in winter. The plant will benefit from having the leaves sponged frequently. Using clean water with a few drops of milk added.
The Monsteras are easy to grow and have no special requirements. However, the white lily-like flowers and edible fruits are only likely to appear on conservatory or greenhouse plants.
Monstera deliciosa is the species grown as a house plant. With proper care giant leaves will be produced. The form Monstera variegata has white and cream lines or patches on the leaves – more colorful but not necessarily more attractive. Where space is limited grow the compact variety M. borsigiana or M. mini.
Monstera variegata
Monstera propagation
– Seed. Seeds for successful germination are required bright warm room. Sprout with the first leaves will appear during the month, but it still does not have slots. Adult leaves appear after six months. Further care is simple – yearly pruning and transplant.
– Cuttings. Monster is propagated by cuttings from spring to early summer. You need to cut off sprout with 2-3 leaves. The place where the stalk was cut is sprinkled with charcoal. The stalk is planted into a pot which is placed in a mini greenhouse. It is watered 2 times a day. The plant should be transplanted into another pot when the roots appear.
Monstera obliqua
– Top. You need to cut off the top and put in water for rooting. Water is used boiled and often change. Activated carbon is dissolved in the water to prevent rotting of the sheet. A lot of roots will be contributed to the rapid emergence of leaves.
Monstera problems occur if wrong care or watering.
If the leaves are dry and fall off – is too hot. You need to move the Monstera deliciosa away from direct heat or sunlight and often sprayed with water.
If the stalks are rotting in the winter – the soil is much waterlogged.
The leaves become yellow, dries and on the surface appear brown spots – moisture is not enough.
Leaves are small and faded – not enough light.
Monstera deliciosa quickly loses its leaves – the lack of nutrients.