Beautiful Statement Ceilings To Inspire Your Own Décor

While the ceiling is a part of the home that is often ignored, in favour of walls and furnishings, the perfectly decorated ceiling can easily revamp your space. Whether you’re tired of dull beige paint and cracks or simply looking for adornment, a statement ceiling can easily brighten your humble home. We’ve curated a few interior design looks to inspire your home décor right now.

Photo: archstyleofls on Instagram 

Exposed beams: For a rustic touch which will instantly evoke the feelings of a cozy farmhouse, try turning to exposed beams for a statement look. Replenish your living room with beige or neutral-coloured exposed beams, and pair the beams with brick walls and white-painted wooden floorboards. Try painting your living room walls white and turning to stark black and white furniture.

Photo: dactylion_design on Instagram 

Mauve and white: If you’re looking for a pop of colour, look no further than contrasting segments of mauve and white. A pastel-painted ceiling can easily illuminate your master bedroom and bring a pop of colour to your space. Meanwhile, a violet and white colour palette can easily flatter the tones in your space, and bring the focus to your pale purple ceiling.

Photo: joeruggiero_collection on Instagram 

Artistic explosion: Why not experiment with a beautifully painted, artistic ceiling for a taste of creativity at home? A painted ceiling can contrast well with oversized windows, ivory sofas and gleaming white flooring. Turn to a dark wooden dining table and brightly patterned accent pillows to truly complement your interior design.