
Puschkinia -It is strange that this close relative of the Bluebell is so rarely grown. Puschkinia is an excellent plant for the rockery – a trouble-free, low-growing plant which bears its attractive blooms early in the year. It spreads quite rapidly by means of offsets which can be used to increase your stock.

The species grown as a garden plant is Puschkinia scilloides (Striped Squill). Flowering in early spring, each stem carries about six flowers which are open starry bells – each petal is pale blue with a central dark blue stripe. Colorful and easy, yet hardly known by gardeners.

Plant in group for maximum effect and add compost or peat to the soil before putting in the bulbs.

There is a variety Puschkinia alba which bears white petals.

This plant is great for borders, rock gardens, woodland under trees  – generally, Puschkinia looks the best in small gardens. Planting time is September – October (planting depth 2 in, spacing 3 in, height 4 in). Thrives in any well drained soil.

Puschkinia will be happy in sunshine or light shade but will forgive you for planting them in shade that’s a bit too deep for narcissi. A scented flower that’s an economical and attractive choice for almost any garden.