Transform Your Home Into A Haunted House- Here’s How

While your home may be a pristine oasis of pastel furniture and crisp white tablecloths the rest of the year, All Hallows’ Eve marks the perfect opportunity to transform your pretty space into a terrifying haunted house. If the idea of dripping blood, spooky cobwebs and deathly ghouls just may leave you hiding under the dining table, we suggest walking away slowly now! But for the adventurous décor lover who is unafraid of a deathly abode, here are a few decorating ideas to leave your guests shaking in fear. Here’s how to transform your house from “home sweet home” to “enter at your own peril.”

1) Create a ghoulish scarecrow to welcome your visitors: If you’re aiming to frighten the living daylights out of any trick-or-treaters who happen to knock at your door, try creating a welcoming yet horrifying entrance with a homemade scarecrow. For a burst of creativity, use fake blood and a jack o’lantern carved into a frightful grimace in order to truly greet your visitors with Halloween spirit.

2) Craft hanging ghost decorations to place in your front porch: There’s no reason why your front porch shouldn’t be completely adorned in style for the scariest day of the year. Use layers of white cheesecloth to craft a ghostly sight, and then arrange them around an empty cardboard paper towel tube. For a stylish take on traditional Halloween décor, use white lace and metallic glitter to light up your ghostly ornaments.

3) Arrange cardboard headstones in your front yard: To celebrate in authentic deathly fashion, cut large cardboard boxed into oversized headstones and then use dark grey paint to finish off the effect. Try using white chalk or paint to write out any spooky sentences which come to mind, and truly turn your humble garden into a haunted graveyard.

4) Make Halloween wreaths with cobwebs and branches: After all, it can’t be Halloween without a few strategically scattered cobwebs spread across your property. Try creating festive wreaths using dollar store cobweb and tiny plastic bats and spiders. Arrange the cobwebs and spooky critters on dark wooden branches to complete your Halloween wreath.

5) Decorate your fireplace with fake blood drippings and miniature skulls: For the rest of the season, your fireplace is probably a rustic sight and the perfect setting to sip hot cocoa and unwind after a hectic week. But on All Hallows’ Eve, there ain’t no rest for the wicked (or the undead, that is). Transform your family friendly fireplace into a frightening sight with fake blood, shrunken plastic skulls and tufts of creepy cobwebs. Try creating homemade fake blood with red food colouring and water, and using it to quickly dye your cobwebs. Happy Halloween!

Photo: iStock