Create An Elegant Coffee Table With These Accent Pieces

Vamp up your space using your own personal taste and make your living room appear more chic and sophisticated with modern, bold and unique items. They don’t have to be expensive items in order to be classy. It’s all about showing off your personality through creative decor. In addition to playing up your living room, all of these objects can strike curiosity in your guests resulting in a great ice breaker. What better way to show off your style than in your own home?

Adding something tall will draw attention to your table. Place a hurricane vase with a candle and fill a quarter of the vase with small stones that will best complement the colour of the candle. If you are using a white candle, opt for turquoise, sea foam green or light blue stones to add a pop of colour. For an additional touch, keep the colours season-oriented.


Place a unique object or two that represents your own individual style and personality. Some examples are a glass orb, a reasonably sized souvenir item from one of the places you’ve traveled to or a small jar containing some sort of sentimental value, such as sand from every beach you’ve been to or seashells from your summer vacation.


a806d1948000a2210fb741cb96eA small pot of bright, fresh flowers makes the perfect center piece for your table and brings spring right into your living room. It provides colour and nothing smells better than fresh-cut flowers on a gorgeous spring or summer day!

simple-clean-style-coffee-tIf you still have room on your table, it can be a good idea to add a few magazines or some of your favourite books very sparingly and neatly.
