DIY Wall Art Will Vamp Up Any Space

It’s super easy to create your own wall art. It’s chic, easy to do and definitely a unique design that you won’t find in stores! It’s sure to catch the attention of house guests and will revamp any room as an incredible statement piece. It adds a unique feel to any room no matter what room you add this element of design to.

If you have some old wallpaper lying around, put it to use by framing them! Use white or neutral frames for wallpaper with bold colours and unique patterns so it pops. For an added touch, add a few different sized frames with different coloured paper. Lean them against the wall to create a casual look.

Paint a wall or part of a wall with magnetic chalkboard paint. If only painting a part of the wall, frame the area with a gold frame for embellishment and glam. Guests will have a lot of fun with this and you can make use of it by creating a jumbo calendar or by jotting down your to-do list.

Show off last year’s vacation photo in monochromatic frames in your living room. Choose photos with the best landscapes for your very own unique works of art. Or blow up your Instagram photos and show them off in frames.

To create your own statement piece, use a rectangular piece of Styrofoam and some interesting fabric. Stretch it over the foam and secure into place with a staple gun.  Be sure to choose a funky pattern.

In your home office, stray away from an ordinary white board or billboard and apply a coat of magnetic paint to the wall. After that, paint the area in a coat of your favourite colour and attach postcards, magnets, photos, colourful post-its and inspirational notes using magnetic tacks.

Wall stickers are a great way to add uniqueness to your wall. Find one with an inspirational quote or a pattern that would look great in your room.

Boxes lined with colourful paper make a great wall piece. Just be sure to add lightweight items when putting the boxes up on the walls.